RCS de PARIS : 830 693 180
Siret : 830 693 180 00010
N° DE T.V.A. INTRACOMM. : FR75 830 693 180
Continued browsing of this site constitutes acceptance without reservation of the following terms and conditions of use.
The version currently online of these terms and conditions of use is the only one enforceable for the entire duration of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.
Article 1 - Legal information
1.1 Site:
1.2 Editor :
- corporate name : PINK MATTERS
- form : SAS
- with a capital of 5000 euros
- whose registered office is located at 179, rue de la Croix Nivert, 75015 Paris.
- RCS 830,693,180
- E-mail address:
1.3 Conception and realization of the website: Victor Malet
1.4 Host (hereinafter the "Host"): OVH, SAS, with capital of 10,174,560 euros, whose registered office is located at 2 RUE KELLERMANN 59100 ROUBAIX, RCS 424 761 419, represented by Henryk Klaba in his capacity as Chairman.
Article 2 - Access to the site
Access to the site is reserved for adults only.
The publisher reserves the right to ask for any justification of your age in particular if you use online ordering services.
Access to the site and its use are reserved for personal and professional use.
You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political or advertising purposes and for any form of commercial solicitation, including the sending of unsolicited e-mail.
Article 3 - Site content
All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images, animated or not, video sequences, as well as all computer applications that could be used to operate this site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by the laws in force under intellectual property.
They are the full and entire property of the publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher, are strictly prohibited. The fact that the editor does not take legal action as soon as he becomes aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of these uses and waiver of prosecution.
As far as online ordering services are concerned, all the information on this site is valid for Europe.
Article 4 - Site management
For the good management of the site, the publisher will be able at any time to:
- suspend, interrupt or limit the access to all or part of the site, reserve the access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a determined category of Net surfer
- delete any information that may disturb the functioning of the site or that contravenes national or international laws or the rules of Netiquette
- suspend the site in order to carry out updates.
Article 5 - Responsibilities
The responsibility of the editor cannot be engaged in case of failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation, preventing access to the site or to one of its functionalities.
The material of connection to the site that you use is under your entire responsibility.
You must take all the appropriate measures to protect your material and your own data in particular from virus attacks by Internet. You are also solely responsible for the sites and data you consult.
The editor cannot be held responsible in case of legal proceedings against you:
- because of the use of the site or of any service accessible via Internet;
- because of the non-respect by you of the present general conditions.
The publisher is not responsible for any damage caused to you, third parties and/or your equipment as a result of your connection or use of the site and you waive any action against him/her as a result.
If the publisher were to be the subject of an amicable or legal procedure because of your use of the site, it could turn against you to obtain compensation for all the prejudices, sums, condemnations and expenses which could result from this procedure.
Article 6 - Hypertext links
The implementation of any hypertext links to all or part of the site is strictly prohibited, unless prior written permission of the publisher, requested by email to the following address: (registered office of the publisher).
The publisher is free to refuse this authorization without having to justify its decision in any way whatsoever. In the event that the editor would grant its authorization, this one is in any case only temporary and could be withdrawn at any time, without obligation of justification at the expense of the editor.
In any case, any link will have to be removed on simple request of the publisher.
Any information accessible via a link to other sites is not under the control of the publisher who declines any responsibility for their content.
Article 7 - Protection of personal data
7.1 Collection of personal data
The personal data collected on this site are as follows:
- Account opening : When creating the user's account, the user's name, first name, email address and date of birth.
- Login: When the user connects to the Platform, the Platform records, in particular, his surname, first name, connection data, usage data, location and payment data.
- Profile: The use of the services provided on the Platform enables a profile to be filled in, which may include an address and telephone number.
- Payment : When paying for products and services offered on the Platform, the Platform does not record financial data relating to the user's bank account or credit card. The Platform uses an intermediary platform for payments.
- Cookies : The user has the possibility to deactivate cookies from the parameters of his browser.
7.2 Use of personal data
The personal data collected from users is used to provide the Platform's services, improve them and maintain a secure environment.
The uses are as follows:
- access and use of the Platform by the user;
- management of the operation and optimization of the Platform;
- organization of the terms of use of the Payment Services;
- verification, identification and authentication of the data transmitted by the user;
- offering the user the possibility to communicate with other users of the Platform;
- implementation of user support;
- personalization of the services by displaying advertisements based on the user's browsing history, according to the user's preferences;
- Prevention and detection of fraud, malware and security incident management;
- Management of possible disputes with users;
- Sending commercial and advertising information according to the user's preferences.
7.3 Sharing of personal data with third parties
Personal data may be shared with third party companies in the following cases:
- when the user uses payment services, for the implementation of these services, the Platform is in contact with third party banking and financial companies with which it has concluded contracts;
- when the user authorizes the website of a third party to access his/her data;
- when the Platform uses the services of service providers to provide user support, advertising and payment services. These service providers have limited access to the user's data, in the context of the execution of these services, and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data;
- if required by law, the Platform may carry out the data transmission in order to pursue claims against the Platform and to comply with administrative and judicial procedures ;
- if the Platform is involved in a merger, acquisition, asset sale or receivership, it may be required to sell or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In this case, users would be informed before personal data is transferred to a third party.
7.4 Security and Confidentiality
The Platform implements organizational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and the Platform cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.
7.5 Implementation of user rights
In application of the regulations applicable to personal data, users have the following rights:
- they can update or delete data concerning them by logging into their account and configuring the parameters of this account ;
- they can delete their account by writing to the following e-mail address:
- they can exercise their right of access, to know the personal data concerning them, by writing to the following e-mail address:
In this case, before implementing this right, the Platform may request proof of the user's identity in order to verify its accuracy;
- if the personal data held by the Platform is inaccurate, they may request that the information be updated by writing to the following e-mail address:
- Users may request the deletion of their personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws, by writing to the following e-mail address:
7.6 Evolution of this clause
The Platform reserves the right to make any changes to the present clause relating to the protection of personal data at any time. If a modification is made to this clause on the protection of personal data, the Platform undertakes to publish the new version on its website.
The Platform will also inform users of the change by e-mail, at least 15 days before the effective date. If the user does not agree with the terms of the new wording of the personal data protection clause, he has the possibility to delete his account.
Article 8 - Cookies
By continuing your navigation on this site, you accept the use of Cookies to make visit statistics. You can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser.
The user acknowledges being informed of this practice and authorizes the company PINK MATTERS to proceed with it.
The company PINK MATTERS will never communicate the contents of these cookies to third parties, except in the event of legal requisition. The user can refuse the recording of cookies or configure his browser to be warned before accepting cookies.
The duration of conservation of this information in your computer is 12 months (twelve) months.
Article 9 - Photographs and representation of products
The photographs of products, accompanying their description, are not contractual and do not engage the publisher.
Article 10 - Applicable law
The present conditions of use of the site are governed by French law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of PARIS, subject to a specific attribution of jurisdiction arising from a particular law or regulation.